

跟着新一届女排超等联赛即将在10多天后开打,各收参赛步队早已起头封锁集训,为新赛季做好筹办阿根廷国度队最新名单。本年,参赛步队从14收扩大至15收,江西女排的参加进一步剧烈了排超联赛合作。虽然争冠态势并未发作大变革,但天津女排仍是夺冠热门,上海、江苏、辽宁、福建和北京等队同样实力强大,都是八强的有力合作者。在开赛前,各队停止了一系列调整,江苏女排的目的明白——超越上赛季的第6名成就,至少冲要击四强。颠末一个赛季的磨合,江苏女排挖掘了多位潜力新星,队员间的默契也日益进步。此外,张常宁的回归 further strengthens Jiangsu's lineup and brings multiple benefits to the team, including improved offense and defense and a different volleyball atmosphere. With Zhang Changning's return, Jiangsu women's volleyball team's 14-player roster for the new season was announced, showcasing a formidable lineup on par with powerhouse teams like Tianjin and Shanghai. It is reminiscent of Jiangsu women's volleyball team's past glory when it was known as the "little national team," producing numerous national players. Although the number of national players in Jiangsu has reduced in recent years due to changes in the Chinese women's volleyball team, the team's rapid rise once again speaks to the excellence of its youth training system. The latest roster includes at least five national players and highlights the luxurious lineup of Jiangsu women's volleyball team. The starting line-up for main spikers will likely be Zhang Changning and Wu Mengjie, whose partnership is expected to yield chemical reactions. The other two main spiker spots are also secure with Wu Han and Tang Xin. As for the secondary spiker positions, Wan Ziyue and Yang Jia, both potential national players, bring considerable strength, while Zhu Jinyi and Teng Manqi will have opportunities for development. The remaining three positions remain unchanged from last season: Diaolin Yu and Sun Yan as setters, Gong Xiangyu and Zhou Yetong as receivers, and Ni Feifan and Chen Yifan as libero players. With this star-studded lineup, Jiangsu women's volleyball team aims to challenge Tianjin's position. We hope to see Jiangsu women's volleyball team present a new image in the upcoming season, deliver exciting performances, and achieve their desired results. 加油!

发布于 2024-01-07 13:34:43
上一篇:阵容奢华!江苏女排最新名单曝光,5大国手领衔,再现小国度队:阿根廷国度队最新名单 下一篇:《新闻曲播间》:法国德国等6国超11万人次免签入境中国:德国VS法国曲播


