威少快船、湖人、雷霆期间三巨头若何排名?雷霆三少3个MVP:湖人 雷霆

今天快船长场双加时以175-176惜败国王,本场角逐迎来威少快船首秀,他全场出战39分27秒,13投7中,三分4中1,罚球2中2,得到17分5篮板14助攻1抢断湖人 雷霆。赛后,美自媒体NBA Memes晒出威少快船、雷霆、湖人效力期间三巨头照片,并提问:给威少效力的球队三巨头(都在巅峰期间)实力停止排名?引来热议,一路来看看球迷若何评论!

Dame if he played with all the talents that Russ been with

若是利拉德能和与威少合做的天秀士才一路打球的话湖人 雷霆,那么他有时机如许:

with okc they was still young and league was stacked, but yeah lakers no excuse

在雷霆,他们还很年轻,联盟也很强大,但是,是的,在湖人没有托言湖人 雷霆。

The LBJ/AD part of the comparison isn't close, 13 Bron with '18 Davis is the best duo BY A MILE. Both top 3 in DPOY, both averaging over 26.5+ Ppg on over 54%+ FG. The other 2 are about preference. I'd go KD & Harden over Kawai & PG because of playmaking and availability.

和詹姆构成的三巨头遥遥领先湖人 雷霆。13年的勒布朗和18年的戴维斯是更好的二人组,那个版本两人都是DPOY的前三名,场均得分都超越26.5分,投篮射中率超越54%。

别的两个看小我喜好,我会选择KD和哈登,而不是伦纳德和乔治,因为他们的角逐才能和耐用性湖人 雷霆。

Westbrook Carmelo pg

威少、甜瓜、乔治三巨头湖人 雷霆。

Okc Clippers Lakers

雷霆、快船、湖人湖人 雷霆。

Prime AD, Bron and Russ? You’re trippin

巅峰浓眉湖人 雷霆,詹姆斯和威少?你在开打趣吧

湖人 雷霆。

Can’t be Lakers, because in his prime AD was still injured.

不成能是湖人队,因为在他们的巅峰期间,AD还在受伤湖人 雷霆。

The Thunder team is the only one here that's made the Finals lol

雷霆队是那里独一打进过总决赛的球队,哈哈湖人 雷霆。

Prime Lebron took a Cavs team to the finals with David Dellavedova as the 2nd best player. Imagine what he would do with prime AD and prime Russ.

在大卫-德拉维多瓦做为球队第二好的球员的情况下,勒布朗率领骑士队打进总决赛湖人 雷霆。想象一下,若是他有巅峰AD和威少,他会做什么。

The one with 5 rings

(更好的三巨头组合)是有5个总冠军的阿谁湖人 雷霆。


Rankings for prime:LeBron Kevin Kawhi James Anthony Paul

巅峰期间排名:雷霆三少、湖人360、快船卡龟椒湖人 雷霆。

巅峰球员排名:詹姆斯、杜兰特、伦纳德、哈登、浓眉、乔治湖人 雷霆。

Lol, the difference between Lebron and Kd is a lot more than the difference between Harden and AD. LAL 100%

哈哈,勒布朗和KD之间的差距比哈登和AD之间的差距大得多湖人 雷霆。100%是湖人360组合。

I think in its prime clippers , prime Kawhi is a 2FMVP & took down the whole NBA in Toronto to win , Prime Russ is an MVP & Prime PG13 the most slept on player here . Prime Indy PG was giving LeBron work in the east . The defensive versatility here wins it for me

我认为巅峰快船获胜,伦纳德是两届FMVP,他在多伦多击败了整个NBA,博得了成功,威少是MVP,乔治是那里最被轻忽的球员湖人 雷霆。巅峰期间在步行者效力的乔治在东部给勒布朗造做良多费事。在那里,防卫的多样性为我博得了成功。

I think if he stayed in OKC they all stayed could of won few championships together!

我认为,若是他留在雷霆,他们都能够一路博得一些总冠军湖人 雷霆。

Dame gets chips with every team. But nobody wants to join Dame cause they money greedy

利拉德在每个球队中都能获得总冠军,但没有人愿意参加利拉德的球员,因为他们贪财湖人 雷霆。

If all in their primes I think you go with Lakers,


I also think that if the prime Thunder trio faced the prime Lakers trio 3-on-3, Thunder would take some wins

若是所有的人都在巅峰,我想你会选择湖人湖人 雷霆。


我还认为,若是雷霆队的巅峰三人组与湖人队的巅峰三人组停止3对3角逐,雷霆队会获得一些成功湖人 雷霆。

Only one of them has three MVPs on one roster

他们中只要一个三人组有三个常规赛MVP湖人 雷霆。

I mean that’s thunders one went to the finals and the western conference 3 times in a row

我选雷霆,一个持续3年打进总决赛或西部决赛的球队湖人 雷霆。

OKC, Lakers and Clippers. Clippers would probably be above Lakers but 1 game isn't enough

雷霆、湖人、快船湖人 雷霆。快船可能会在湖人之上,但1场角逐是不敷的。

This makes you wonder if you can consider Westbrook as a “big 3”

那让湖人 雷霆你思疑能否能够将威斯布鲁克视为 "三巨头 "的一员

湖人 雷霆。

Prime OKC is scary but too many points and no defense.

AD + lebron on their prime that is a lock on defense and offense

巅峰雷霆三少是可怕的,但得分太多,没有防卫湖人 雷霆。

AD+勒布朗在他们的巅峰期间湖人 雷霆,在防卫和进攻上都能打爆敌手.

Russell and Harden were nice asf together in Houston. Just add KD to that

威少和哈登在休斯敦火箭队一路很不错湖人 雷霆,再加上KD就能够了

湖人 雷霆。

When was AD's prime? Normally most would say now because of his age but the guy his injured so often can you really call it his prime? I'm genuinely curious.

浓眉的先锋期间是什么时候?凡是情况下,大大都人会说如今,因为他的年龄,但那家伙经常受伤,你实的能称之为他的巅峰期间吗?我实的很猎奇湖人 雷霆。

It's too early to comment on the Russ Clippers experiment. But none of them will ever top the Thunder trio. They were a nightmare.

如今评论威少-快船队的尝试还为时过早,但他们中没有人可以超越雷霆队的三人组湖人 雷霆。他们是一场恶梦。

Prime OKC. 3 MVP’s. I would have picked prime lakers, but we all know AD is getting hurt 5 minutes in to the season and missing 45 games

巅峰雷霆三少,3个MVP湖人 雷霆。我原来想选湖人队的,但我们都晓得AD在赛季起头5分钟后就受伤了,并缺席45场角逐。

你认为威少效力的那三收球队哪个三巨头实力更强?欢送在评论区留下你的概念湖人 雷霆!


发布于 2023-05-25 12:32:21
上一篇:NBA综合:勇士逆转76人 湖人击退雷霆:湖人 雷霆 下一篇:湖人 雷霆:浓眉37分14篮板,湖人116-111击败雷霆


